Masks, Wraps and Bath

oily skin: put 1 tbsp. “Schindele’s Mineralien™“ in a bowl and gradually add water until a spreadable paste is created – smooth on and leave to penetrate for at least 20 minutes – as the water will evaporate very quickly, from time to time dampen your palms and place on the mask.
dry skin: put 1 tbsp. “Schindele’s Mineralien™” in a bowl. Mix to a spreadable paste with water and oil (Jojoba oil, Olive oil, St Johns Wort oil) – smooth on and leave to penetrate for at least 20 minutes – if the mask starts to crumble then moisten with dampened palms
For a full bath you need a good couple of handfuls of “Schindele’s Mineralien™”. Keep the water moving, so that the minerals deposited in the bath are mixed back throughout the bathwater. When bathing don’t forget to add some bath oil, as the minerals can dry out the skin, so if you have dry skin we recommend using a bath oil.
After bathing, rinse off under the shower and if possible, allow your skin to “air dry” or wrap yourself in a large (old, dark-coloured) towel. Then carry out your normal skin treatments.
It is not recommended to take a mineral bath in a new designer bathtub, as although our minerals are very finely ground, rubbing can cause an effect like sandpaper.
you can find extensive information about wraps in the book:
Natürlich gesund mit Heilerde by Monika Mayer – ISBN 978-3038003830 – buy it from us